The Second Act: Concerning his coming unto the king Gundaphorus.
The Second Act: Concerning his coming unto the king Gundaphorus.17 Now when the apostle was come into the cities of India with Abbanes the merchant, Abbanes went to salute the king Gundaphorus, and reported to him of the carpenter whom he had brought with him. And the king was glad, and commanded him t...
The First Act: When he went into India with Abbanes the merchant 1-16
Acts of the Holy Apostle ThomasThe First Act: When he went into India with Abbanes the merchant.At that season all we the apostles were at Jerusalem, Simon which is called Peter and Andrew his brother, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the publi...
The Acts of Thomas Introduction (by the translator, M. R. James)
Introduction (by the translator, M. R. James)This is the only one of the five primary romances which we possess in its entirety. It is of great length and considerable interest. The Stichometry (see p. 24) gives it only 1,600 lines: this is far too little: it may probably apply only to a portion of the...
The Thirteenth Act: Wherein Iuzanes receiveth baptism with the rest. 150-170
The Thirteenth Act: Wherein Iuzanes receiveth baptism with the rest.150 And Iuzanes the youth besought the apostle, saying: I pray thee, O man, apostle of God, suffer me to go, and I will persuade the gaoler to permit thee to come home with me, that by thee I may receive the seal, and become thy minister...
The Twelfth Act: Concerning Ouazanes (Iuzanes) the son of Misdaeus.
The Twelfth Act: Concerning Ouazanes (Iuzanes) the son of Misdaeus.139 And Ouazanes (Iuzanes, P; Vizan, Syr.) the son of Misdaeus came unto the soldiers and said: Give me him that I may speak with him until the king cometh. And they gave him up, and he brought him in where the king gave judgement. And Iu...
The Eleventh Act: Concerning the wife of Misdaeus.
The Eleventh Act: Concerning the wife of Misdaeus.134 Now Misdaeus the king, when he had let Judas go, dined and went home, and told his wife what had befallen Charisius their kinsman, saying: See what hath come to pass to that unhappy man, and thou thyself knowest, my sister Tertia, that a man hath nou...
The Tenth Act: Wherein Mygdonia receiveth baptism.
The Tenth Act: Wherein Mygdonia receiveth baptism.119 And while Mygdonia thought thus with herself, Judas came and stood over her, and she saw him and was afraid, and fell down and became lifeless with terror. But he stood by her and took her by the hand and said unto her: Fear not, Mygdonia: Jesus will...
The Ninth Act: Of the Wife of Charisius. 81 -118
The Ninth Act: Of the Wife of Charisius.82 Now it chanced that a certain woman, the wife of Charisius, that was next unto the king, whose name was Mygdonia, came to see and behold the new name and the new God who was being proclaimed, and the new apostle who had come to visit their country: and she was carri...
The Eighth Act: Of the wild asses.
The Eighth Act: Of the wild asses.68 The apostle therefore went forth to depart on the way: and they all escorted him, weeping and adjuring him to make remembrance of them in his prayers and not to forget them. He went up then and sat upon the chariot, leaving all the brethren, and the captain came and awa...
The Seventh Act: Of the Captain.
The Seventh Act: Of the Captain.62 Now while the apostle Thomas was proclaiming throughout all India the word of God, a certain captain of the king Misdaeus (Mazdai, Syr.) came to him and said unto him: I have heard of thee that thou takest no reward of any man, but even that thou hast thou givest to them t...
The Sixth Act: Of the youth that murdered the Woman.
The Sixth Act: Of the youth that murdered the Woman.51 Now there was a certain youth who had wrought an abominable deed, and he came near and received of the eucharist with his mouth: but his two hands withered up, so that he could no more put them unto his own mouth. And they that were there saw him and told...
The Fifth Act: Concerning the devil that took up his abode in the woman
The Fifth Act: Concerning the devil that took up his abode in the woman42 And the apostle entered into the city and all the multitude followed him. And he thought to go unto the parents of the young man whom he had made alive when he was slain by the serpent: for they earnestly besought him to come unto them...
The Fourth Act: Concerning the colt
The Fourth Act: Concerning the colt39 And while the apostle yet stood in the highway and spake with the multitude, A she ass's colt came and stood before him (Syr. adds, And Judas said: It is not without the direction of God that this colt has come hither. But to thee I say, O colt that by the grace of our Lor...
Act the Third: Concerning the servant
Act the Third: Concerning the servant30 And the apostle went forth to go where the Lord had bidden him; and when he was near to the second mile (stone) and had turned a little out of the way, he saw the body of a comely youth lying, and said: Lord, is it for this that thou hast brought me forth, to come hither t...