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தோமோ இந்தியா கட்டுக் கதையும் தோமோ நடபடிகள் கதையும்

தோமோ இந்தியா கட்டுக் கதையும் தோமோ நடபடிகள் கதையும்

 கிறிஸ்துவத் தொன்மைக் கதை நாயகன் தாமஸ் எனப்படும் தோமோ இந்தியா வந்தார் என்பதற்கு எவ்வித ஆதாரமும் கிடையாது.
அப்போஸ்தலர் நடபடிகள் எனும் புதிய ஏற்பாடு தொன்மத்திலே  ஏசுவின் மரணத்திற்கு பின்பும் சீடர்கள் சில மாதம் பின்னர் அப்போ 8:1;  4-5 வருடம் பின்பு 15:6 ;    20 வருடம் பின்பும்21:17 என்பதாகவே   

ஜெருசலேமில் தான் வாழ்ந்தார்கள் 

இந்த மோசடி தோம இந்திய கதைகளிற்கு பெரும் ஆதாரம் என்பவை
 தோமோ நடபடிகள் [Acta Thomae] எனும் 4ம் நூற்றாண்டின் வரையப்பட்ட பைபிளில் மறைக்கப்பட்ட (Apocrypa) நூல். பர்டேசனஸ் [Bardesanes] எழுதியதாக இருக்கலாம் எனப் படுகிறது.
What  Church know about Thomas. Let us get from a Christian Scholar-
 The VERY NAME of the Apostle who is known as Thomas remains obscure. Thomas is the Greek form of the Aramaic Teoma whose Greek Translation is Didymas, meaning Twin, most probably his original name was Judas, and the Parentheses and the versional variants could have been Scribal clarification. How could an Apostle be known by an epithet or an adjective such as TWIN - "Person And Faith of Apostle Thomas in the Gospels"- Dr.George Kaniarakath,CMI

தோமோ நடபடிகள் கதை

 ஏசுவின் மரணத்திற்குப் பின்னர் அவரது சீஷர்கள் மதம் பரப்ப வெவ்வேறு ஊர் பிரித்தனர்; ஏசுவோடு ஒட்டிப் பிறந்த இரட்டையாரான  தோமோவிற்கு வந்தது இந்தியா. தோமோ இந்தியா செல்ல விரும்பவில்லை. அப்போது  ஏசு  வந்து அடிமை வியாபாரியாய் தோமோவை 20 வெள்ளி காசிற்கு   அபான் [aabban] என்ற இந்தியக்கப்பலில் தலைவனிடம் விற்றாராம். 
அன்ட்ராபொலிஸ் [Andrapolis]  இந்திய துறைமுகத்தில் இறங்கி அரசர் கோண்டோபோரஸ்   (Gondophares) இடம் அழைத்து செல்ல, தோமோ தன்னை ஆசாரி எனச் சொல்ல மன்னன் ஓர் அரண்மனை கட்ட பெரும் பணம் தந்தார். சிலகாலம் பின்பு மன்னர் அரண்மணை பணி பார்க்க வர, தோமோ ஏதுமே கட்டாமல் செலவழித்துவிட்டிட கைது செய்து சிறையில் அடைக்கப் பட்டார்.
அரசர் கோண்டோபோரஸ் சகோதரன்  கேட்(Gad) இறந்தவர் சொர்கத்தில் மன்னருக்கு ஒரு அரண்மனை - அதாவது தோமோ மன்னர் பணத்தை ஏழைகட்கு கொடுத்தமையால் உருவானது கண்டு மன்னனிடம் சொல்ல ராஜா தோமோவை விடுதலை செய்து கிறிஸ்துவராய் மதம் மாறினாராம்.
அரச உதவியுடன் அந்நாட்டில் பலரையும்  மதமாற்றிய தோமோ பக்கத்து நாடு சென்றாராம்.  மஸ்டாய் என்ற மன்னன் நாடில் சிலரை மதம் மாற்றியதோடு, ராஜா இல்லாத போது ராணியையும், குழந்தைகளையும் மதம் மாற்றினாராம். அரசர் திரும்பியபின் தோமோ சூனியம் செய்துள்ளார் என கைது செய்து மரண தண்டனையில் தோமோ வீரர்களால் கொல்லப் பட்டார்.
சில காலம் பின்பு இளவர்சர் வியாதி குணமாகாமையால், யாரோ தோமோ சமாதி செல்லச் சொல்ல அங்கே சமாதி காலி, உடலை மேற்கு நாட்டிற்கு எடுத்து சென்று விட்டனர் என்றனராம்.
தோமோ நடபடிகள் -வாடிகன்  பதிப்பாளர்  "பட்லர்'ஸ் செயின்டு வாழ்க்கைகள்" சொல்வது
51TaK%252BmnxaL._SX329_BO1%252C204%252C2 35a16480-5ba7-11e5-94f4-827b29a0798f.jpg
இந்த தோமோ நடபடிகள் பற்றி வாடிகன் போப்பரசர் பதிப்பாளரான பர்ன் ஓட்ஸ் பர்பொர்னெ பதிப்பு தூய.அல்பன் பட்லரின் "படலர்'ஸ் தூயோர் வாழ்க்கைகள்" எனும் 12 தொகுப்பு கொண்டதில் டிசம்பர்௨1 தோமோவுக்கு உரியது.
 பட்லர்ஸ் லைவ் ஆப் செயின்ட்ஸ் என்னும் 12 தொகுப்பு, மாதமொன்றிற்கு- அம்மாதத்தின் புனிதர்களை நினைவு படுத்தும்படியாக 12 தொகுப்பு கொண்டது.
தோமோ பற்றிக் கூறும்போது தெளிவாக கூறுவது 12 ஏசு சீடர்களில் யாரைப்பற்றியும் நம்பகத்தன்மை கொண்ட உண்மைகள் கிடையாது என்பது போலே தோமோ பற்றியும் தெரியவில்லை என ஆரம்பிக்கிறார். அவர் “தோமோ  நடபடிகளை விமர்சிக்கையில் இந்தக் கட்டுக்கதாசிரியர் கப்பல் பிரயாணிகளைக் கேட்டு சில விபரங்கள் எழுதியிருக்கிறார், ஆனல் தோமோ நடபடிகள் கதையில் சற்றும் உண்மையில்லை என்கிறார்.
Holy see’s Publisher “Burn Oates & Wash Bourne Ltd” has Published Multi Volume “Butler’s Lives of Saints” Edited by Rev.Alban Butler (with Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur from Two Archbishop for its Doctrinal Acceptance) says-
“.. the Syrian Greek who was probably the fabricator of the Story would have been able to learn from Traders and Travelers such details as the name Gondophorus with Tropical details.”. Pages 213-218, in Volume December.
The Authors have gone through all the major works of the claims of St.Thomas Indian visit claims and one of the highly acclaimed work of ‘The Early Spread of Christianity in India’- Alfred Mingana connected this with Apostle Thomas visit claims and clearly affirms-
It is likely enough that the Malabar Coast was Evangelized from Edessa at a Later date, and in the course of time a confused tradition connected this with Apostle Thomas himself.
Acta Thomae is often said to be the work from Edessa- let us see.
Holy See’s publisher says that Indian Christianity has mostly the Origins from Edessa, which is in present Turkey- But did Edessa was the area where Thomas Worked?- let us see, how a detailed study by a Secular Historian says-
“Edessa-the modern Urfa in North West Mesopotamia is a city with an immensely long history going back to the Babylonian & Assyrian age. About 132BC it has became a seat of local dynasty, one of whose king raised the pillar. CHRISTIANITY Was Introduced in the Jewish Colony in the 2nd Century CE, and the church developed a national spirit using the Syriac Language and becoming the First Seat of Christianity in the Syriac speaking Community.”- Page-2176, World History; Editor J.A.Hanmerton.
 எடிஸ்ஸா எனும் துருக்கியில் ஏசு இறந்து 100 ஆண்டு பின்பு தான் கிறிஸ்துவம் அறிமுகமானது என அப்பகுதி வரலாறு கூறுகிறது என உலக கலைக்  வரலாறு களஞ்சியம் கூறுகிறது.
கேரளாவின்  செயின்ட் தாமஸ் கலக் களஞ்சியம்- "தோமோ நடபடிகள்" 
கத்தோலிக்க சர்ச் சார்பாய் வெளிவந்த பற்றி கூறுவது
What Chruch says about ACTA THOMAE?- in St. Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia, ed. George Menachery in which Article -The Acts of Thomas- by Rev.Anthony Poathoor.                                                                                         41tXdfZqOcL._SX331_BO1%252C204%252C203%2
– “The Acts of Thomas in its present form contains many Doctrinal Errors. Some Historians conclude that The Acts of Thomas is the work of an unknown heretic who made use of the Authority to support his own Theological Opinions. Some Other Authors have suggested that the present work is the corrupted form of an older Orthodox version. In the view of former, We can hardly call the text interpolated, because the additions increase nearly Ten-fold to the Original Text. There is no doubt that the present Acts of Thomas is unacceptable from the Doctrinal point of View”. Page- 24
"தோமோ நடபடிகள்" கதையில் ஆந்திரபோலிஸ் துறைமுகத்தில் இறங்கிய உடனே ஒரு திருமணம் காண செல்வார், பின்னர் அந்தத் திருமண தம்பதிகளிடம் ஆண்- பெண் உடலுறவு கூடாது, முத்தமிடக் கூடாது என உள்ளது. ஏசுவை விட தோமோ அதிசயம் செய்பவராய் உள்ளது எனப் பல கதைகள்.
இன்றுள்ள  "தோமோ நடபடிகள்" சிறிதும் கிறிஸ்துவ அடிப்படை நம்பிக்கைஇகு பொருந்தாது, மூலத்தோடு 10 மடங்கு சேர்த்து மாற்றப் பட்டுள்ளது
இந்தியாவின் எந்தவொரு மொழியுலும் தோமோ- ஏசு என்னும் பெயர் கூட பாடல் -நூல் 16ம் நூற்றாண்டிற்கு முன்பானது ஏதும் இல்லை. 
கேரளாவில் 16ம் நூற்றாண்டில் 100க்கும் குறைவான கிறிஸ்துவக் குடும்பமே இருந்துள்ளது, இவர்கள் வீட்டில் தான் தங்கள் ஜெபம் செய்தனர்- அதாவது சர்ச் வைக்கும் அளவிற்கு எந்த ஊரிலும் ஒரு கூட்டம் எனும் அளவிற்கு இல்லை.
நாம் இரண்டு புனை நூல்களையும் கிறிஸ்துவ வரலாற்றாசிரியர்கள் கூற்றுபடியே ஆய்வோம்.
 தோமோ பற்றிக் கூறும்போது தெளிவாக கூறுவது 12 ஏசு சீடர்களில் யாரைப்பற்றியும் நம்பகத்தன்மை கொண்ட உண்மைகள் கிடையாது என்பது போலே தோமோ பற்றியும் தெரியவில்லை என ஆரம்பிக்கிறார். அவர் “தோமொ நடபடிகளை விமர்சிக்கையில் இந்தக் கட்டுக்கதாசிரியர் கப்பல் பிரயாணிகளைக் கேட்டு சில விபரங்கள் எழுதியிருக்கிறார், ஆனல் தோமோ நடபடிகள் கதையில் சற்றும் உண்மையில்லை என்கிறார்.
Holy see’s Publisher “Burn Oates & Wash BouRne Ltd” has Published Multi Volume “Butler’s Lives of Saints” Edited by Rev.Alban Butler (with Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur from Two Archbishop for its Doctrinal Acceptance) says-
“.. the Syrian Greek who was probably the fabricator of the Story would have been able to learn from Traders and Travelers such details as the name Gondophorus with Tropical details.”. Pages 213-218, in Volume December.
The Authors have gone through all the major works of the claims of St.Thomas Indian visit claims and one of the highly acclaimed work of ‘The Early Spread of Christianity in India’- Alfred Mingana connected this with Apostle Thomas visit claims and clearly affirms-
“ It is likely enough that the Malabar Coast was evangelized from Edessa at a later date, and . that in the course of time a confused tradition.”
“It is likely enough that the Malabar Coast was Evangelized from Edessa at a Later date, and in the course of time a confused tradition connected this with Apostle Thomas himself.”
Holy See’s publisher says that Indian Christianity has mostly the Origins from Edessa, which is in present Turkey- But did Edessa was the area where Thomas Worked?- let us see, how a detailed study by a Secular Historian says-
“Edessa-the modern Urfa in North West Mesopotamia is a city with an immensely long history going back to the Babylonian & Assyrian age. About 132BC it has became a seat of local dynasty, one of whose king raised the pillar. CHRISTIANITY Was Introduced in the Jewish Colony in the 2nd Century CE, and the church developed a national spirit using the Syriac Language and becoming the First Seat of Christianity in the Syriac speaking Community.”- Page-2176, World History; Editor J.A.Hanmeston.
What Chruch says about ACTA THOMAE?- in St. Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia, ed. George Menachery in which Article -The Acts of Thomas- by Rev.Anthony Poathoor.
– “The Acts of Thomas in its present form contains many Doctrinal Errors. Some Historians conclude that The Acts of Thomas is the work of an unknown heretic who made use of the Authority to support his own Theological Opinions. Some Other Authors have suggested that the present work is the corrupted form of an older Orthodox version. In the view of former, We can hardly call the text interpolated, because the additions increase nearly Ten-fold to the Original Text. There is no doubt that the present Acts of Thomas is unacceptable from the Doctrinal point of View”. Page- 24
 Former English Professor of St.Joseoph College, Trichy, Dr.Joseph Kolangodan wrote a book The History of Apostle Thomas and it has the total appraisal from a fellow Christian, Professor John Ochanthurthi, Dept. of History, Calicut University saying-
As the Well known Orientalist and Syrian Scholar George Every in his book Christian Myths (New York; Page-92)- India of this Legend (Acta THomae) is certainly not Malabar and may not be in the Indian Peninsula
CHURCHES very clearly know the above Research truths with its vast Experience of  a lie repeated becomes Legendry History as that of New Testament Hero- Jesus.
What does Church know about Thomas. Let us get from a Christian Scholar-
 The VERY NAME of the Apostle who is known as Thomas remains obscure. Thomas is the Greek form of the Aramaic Teoma whose Greek Translation is Didymas, meaning Twin, most probably his original name was Judas, and the Parentheses and the versional variants could have been Scribal clarification. How could an Apostle be known by an epithet or an adjective such as TWIN - "Person And Faith of Apostle Thomas in the Gospels"- Dr.George Kaniarakath,CMI
மச்டய் நாடு பற்றி தோமோ நடபடிகள் கூறுவது: மச்டய் நாடு ஒரு பாலைவன நாடு, பாலைவனப் பகுதி.
The Ninth Act: of the Wife of Charisius.
87 And when the apostle had said these things in the hearing of all the multitude, they trode and pressed upon one another: and the wife of Charisius the king’s kinsman Ieapt out of her chair and cast herself on the earth before the apostle, and caught his feet and besought and said: O disciple of the living God, Thou Art Come Into A Desert Country, For We Live In The Desert;

I quote from a Christian author’s book “Six Tombs of St,Thomas in India” T.K.Joseoph. There are six tombs for St. Thomas in South India. Two are in San Thome Cathedral at Mylapore, a third on an island southwest of Cochin, a fourth in a Syrian church at Tiruvancode in Travancore, a fifth in a Shiva temple at Malayattur in Travancore, and a sixth at Kalayamuthur west of Madurai near the Palani Hills. There are also six tombs for St. Thomas abroad. One is in Brazil, a second inGermany, a third in Japan, a fourth in Malacca, a fifth in Tibet, and a sixth in China.
But this is not the end of the matter of tombs. …

கோண்டோபோரஸ் மன்னன் காசு.
19ம் நூற்றாண்டில் தீடீர் எனக் கிடைத்த கோண்டோபோரஸ் காசில் உள்ள பெயர் ஈரானியன், ஆனால் எழுத்து கரோஷ்டி(பிராமுக்கு முன்பானது) எழுத்தில் இதன் காலம் பொமுவில் செல்லும். பாகிஸ்தான் - ஆப்கானிஸ்தானில் சில கல்வெட்டுகள் இவருடையது எனப் படிக்கப் பட்டவை ஏதும் கோண்டோபோரஸ் தொடர்பே இல்லை என வரலாற்று ஆய்வாளர் இன்று ஏற்கின்றனர்.
Recent research has however shown unambiguously that "Gondophares" was a title held by many kings; none of the ancient inscriptions or sources could be specifically connected with the first Gondophares, and numismatic indications strongly suggest that Gondophares-1 was earlier than these events.
The History of Apostle Thomas� and it has the total appraisal from a fellow Christian, Professor John Ochanthurthi, Dept. of History, Calicut University

�As for as I could see from all the Shreds of Quotations presented by Prof. Kolangadan in this Volume, the antiquity of St.Thomas Tradition in South India cannot go beyond 13th Century. So for as direct and explicit support in favour of the St.Thomas Tradition in South India is concerned, I have No Doubt that the answer must be, None. Neither the Church Fathers nor the Apocrypal Acts say anything explicityly about Malabar.� Page 79

I quote from Rev.George Menachery Edited St. Thomas Christians Encyclopedia�,Vol-2, Article DID St.Thomas Really Come to INDIA- From a Doubter�s point of View by 
Rev H.COMES. It explains-

�Heracleon- (II Century) is the earliest author to throw a light on St.Thomas's carrier; his grandparents might have known the Apostle. Now, discussing the problem of witness and blood martyrdom, he states in a casual way, as something well known, that Matthew, Philip, Thomas, and Levi(Thaddaues) had not met violent deaths. And Clement of Alexandria (150-211/16 A.D.) who quotes this Passage of Heracleon and corrects some of his ideas, does not challenge this facts.

It explains and analyses further in detail all other points and finally concludes as- 
" For all these reasons it is our honest opinion, and thus we conclude, that Christianity was brought to India, not by St.Thomas, but by merchants, refugees and missionaries from Persia; that in this movement of Christianity towards India, Rewardshir, which was not only a great church, but also a great port, played an important part; that the St.Thomas Tradition itself may have been brought to Socotra to Konkan -Gujarat and to South India by these early settlers and missionaries from Persia; but that its ultimate origin may have been some of the regions near Palestine Christianized in the First Century." Page-24
செயின்ட் தாமஸ் எனும் கதைநபர்வருகை ஆதாரம் என்பது 4ம் நூற்றாண்டு ஆரம்பகாலத்தில் புனையப்பட்ட "தோமோ நடபடிகள்" எனும் நூல். 
"தோமோ நடபடிகள்" தோமோ மன்னர் மச்டாய் மனைவி குழந்தைகள் மீது சூனியம் வைத்து மதம் மாறியதால் மன்னர் மரணதண்டனை விதிக்க வீரர்கள் தண்டனை நிறைவேற்றினர் என்கிறது. அந்த மச்டாய் நாடு ஒரு பாலைவனம்

 The Ninth Act: of the Wife of Charisius. 87 And when the apostle had said these things in the hearing of all the multitude, they trode and pressed upon one another: and the wife of Charisius the king’s kinsman Ieapt out of her chair and cast herself on the earth before the apostle, and caught his feet and besought and said: O disciple of the living God, Thou Art Come Into A Desert Country,For We Live In The Desert; In the desert country, few historians identify as Bahrain and found a Tomb also.

The Myth is Thomas. Barthalmew and Addai all worked in Turkey, Afganistan Areas, and when these People were troubled by Roman Creation of RC Christianity And later Islam, the original Christians from Edessa- in modern Turkey who were Evangelised by Thomas and their Predeccors came to India. This is another Fraud Spread.
When was Edessa Converted?
“Edessa-the modern Urfa in North West Mesopotamia is a city with an immensely long history going back to the Babylonian & Assyrian age. About 132BC it has became a seat of local dynasty, one of whose king raised the pillar. CHRISTIANITY Was Introduced in the Jewish Colony in the 2nd Century CE, and the church developed a national spirit using the Syriac Language and becoming the First Seat of Christianity in the Syriac speaking Community.”- Page-2176, World History; Editor J.A.Hanmeston.
Former English Professor of St.Joseoph College, Trichy, Dr.Joseph Kolangodan wrote a book “The History of Apostle Thomas” and it has the total appraisal from a fellow Christian, Professor John Ochanthurthi, Dept. of History, Calicut University saying-As the Well known Orientalist and Syrian Scholar George Every in his book “Christian Myths”(New York; Page-92)- India of this Legend (Acta THomae) is certainly not Malabar and may not be in the Indian Peninsula
But Who is Apostle Thomas?
“ The VERY NAME of the Apostle who is known as Thomas remains obscure. Thomas is the Greek form of the Aramaic Teoma whose Greek Translation is Didymas, meaning “Twin”, most probably his original name was Judas, and the Parentheses and the versional variants could have been Scribal clarification. How could an Apostle be known by an epithet or an adjective such as “TWIN” - “Person And Faith of Apostle Thomas in the Gospels”- Dr.George Kaniarakath,CMI 
What is the Opinion about Acts of Thomas, in Catholic Church- Acta Thomae was composed in the Ist half of the 3rd Century AD in Gnostic Manichean circle with Encrastic tendencies. Page-411, Vol-3, New Catholic Encyclopedia
Did Thomas visit Kerala and built 7 and Half Churches as Indian Churches claim with the help of Malayalam Song called Ramban Song?
The Shores of Kerala were below Sea till 7th Century CE, and are called MALIANKARA Or Malankara- a Tamil word Means Mal-God Vishnu & Iyan- God Siva Kara-Land. The derivative says that THE Land was recovered by Gods Vishnu and Shiva.
Let us see from History of Christianity in India, Vol. I, by Fr. A. Mathias Mundadan, Professor of Church History and Theology at the Dharmaram Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, in says

Opinion seems to be Unanimously insupporting the Hypothesis that the whole or Greater part of the western section of the Kerala coast was once under waters and that the formation of the Land was due to some process of nature either gradual or Sudden.” Page-12
HOW RELIABLE IS RAMBAN SONG Or Other Keralite Traditions?
Rev.A.M.Mundaden says-
“Indian Tradition is clearly influenced by the accounts of the Acts of Thomas and also by the East Syrian Tradition.. Some of the elements of the Sacraments pf Confirmation may be regarded as details, which have crept in to the Account from the Portuguese Sources P.32
The so called details available are mostly the fruit of fertile imaginations, generously employed to fill the gaps and provide facile interpretation. P-3

Now I refer again Dr.Joseph Kolangodan wrote a book “The History of Apostle Thomas” and it has the total appraisal from a fellow Christian, Professor John Ochanthurthi, Dept. of History, Calicut University

As for as I could see from all the Shreds of Quotations presented by Prof. Kolangadan in this Volume, the antiquity of St.Thomas Tradition in South India cannot go beyond 13th Century. So for as direct and explicit support in favour of the St.Thomas Tradition in South India is concerned, I have No Doubt that the answer must be, None. Neither the Church Fathers nor the Apocrypal Acts say anything explicityly about Malabar.” Page 79
The Church Story Spreaders have been very clever when they refer Thomas fables they always say “TRADITION”- AND What does Tradition means - Rev.A.M.Mundaden says-

“.. whole story which lies shrouded in Legends, fables, fictions and confusing details. Quiet often One has no other option but tto fall back on what is claimed as tradion. No wonder then that Speculations,Surmises and Presumptions have characterized many studies of the period. To avoid filling into such pitfalls… out of a large basket of all sorts of materials all claiming to be Tradtion-facts: Legends, Myths, wishful thinking, telescoping of events easy hormonisation etc., P-2

Ramban Song as per Church claims was composed in 17th Century. But one of the Nasrani Thomas Christian website says that Linguistically it can be dated to 19th Century.
I quote from Rev.George Menachery Edited St. Thomas Christians Encyclopedia”,Vol-2, Article DID St.Thomas Really Come to INDIA- From a Doubter’s point of View by
Rev H.COMES. It explains-

Heracleon- (II Century) is the earliest author to throw a light on St.Thomas’s carrier; his grandparents might have known the Apostle. Now, discussing the problem of witness and blood martyrdom, he states in a casual way, as something well known, that Matthew, Philip, Thomas, and Levi(Thaddaues) had not met violent deaths. And Clement of Alexandria (150-211/16 A.D.) who quotes this Passage of Heracleon and corrects some of his ideas, does not challenge this facts.”

It explains and analyses further in detail all other points and finally concludes as-
" For all these reasons it is our honest opinion, and thus we conclude, that Christianity was brought to India, not by St.Thomas, but by merchants, refugees and missionaries from Persia; that in this movement of Christianity towards India, Rewardshir, which was not only a great church, but also a great port, played an important part; that the St.Thomas Tradition itself may have been brought to Socotra to Konkan -Gujarat and to South India by these early settlers and missionaries from Persia; but that its ultimate origin may have been some of the regions near Palestine Christianized in the First Century." Page-24
And I explained that AT Edessa Christianity was introduced in 2nd Century only, a follow-up of that, this time little more Authentic from Catholic Encyclopedia from Online site-

//The exact date of the introduction of Christianity into Edessa is not known. It is certain, however, that the Christian community was at first made up from the Jewish population of the city. According to an ancient legend, King Abgar V, Ushana, was converted by Addai, who was one of the seventy-two disciples. (For a full account see ABGAR.) In fact, however, the first King of Edessa to embrace the Christian Faith was Abgar IX (c. 206). Under him Christianity became the official religion of the kingdom. As for Addai, he was neither one of the seventy-two disciples as the legend asserts, nor was he the Apostle Thaddeus, as Eusebius says (Hist. Eccl., IV, xiii), but a missionary from Palestine who evangelized Mesopotamia about the middle of the second century, and became the first bishop of Edessa.//

On Ramban Pattu Tradition,
and article titled ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE- Written by Mr. Mathen Manathala says-
“This tradition has many contradictions and factual errors. First of all there were no Brahmins in the Malabar Coast until the eight century. Secondly, the places where he is supposed to have founded churches were non existent as those parts of the western coast were still under the Arabian Sea. Thirdly, ordination of Kassesos and “Rambans” was not practiced in Christianity until the first quarter of the second century any where in the world. The only written evidence to this Malabar tradition is found in the “Ramban Pattu” supposed to be written in early 17th century, but the language used denotes a much later time, sometime in the 19th century.”



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The acts of Judas Thomas the apostle[3] written by Jewish poet Bardesan in the 3rd century mentions Calamina in Persia as the place where St. Thomas was martyred. Saint Thomas is said to have visited the (historical) kingdom of Gondophorus of the Indo-Parthian Kingdom at the Indo-Persian border with the capital at Taxila, where he was commissioned to build a palace for the King Gondophares. Thomas is said then to have visited the kingdom of Misdaeus (also called Mazdai). Gondophares and Mazdai were Greco-Persian Kings not related to Dravidian Tamils.

The acts then state that Thomas converted the wife of King Misdeus, Queen Tertia, and Princess Mygdonia wife of Charisius, Prince Juzanes and Cyphorus, who was ordained as Deacon. The infuriated King Misdaes ordered four soldiers to take Saint Thomas to a hill in his Persian kingdom and spear him. Thomas's remains were moved to Edessa, Mesopotamia. All these are Greco-Persian, not ancient Tamil names.[citation needed] Bardesan never mentioned Brahmins as the killers of Saint Thomas; this tradition is Portuguese. Syrian Christians appeared in Madras only when it became an important outpost of the Delhi Sultanate in the 13th century. Ancient Tamils of Chola Dynasty and Pandyan Kingdoms never knew Syrian Christians. Tharisapalli plates issued by King Aiyanadikal Thiruvadikal of the Ay kingdom in 825 AD was the first Tamil to record the existence of Persian immigrant Christians who had signed in PahlaviKufic and Hebrew. These were NestorianChristians known locally as Nasrani Mappillas, as they married local women. Nestorian Syrians came from the Iraqi cities Baghdad and Karbala in Arab ships in the Middle Ages.

Marco Polo visited the Saint Thomas tomb at Kayalpatnam. The Portuguese initially identified Kalamina where Saint Thomas was martyred with (Kalyan, Bombay).

Mylapore became famous only after the Portuguese came to colonise India. The Portuguese with Saint Thomas Christians of Kerala organised an army. Portuguese descendents called Cochin Mestizos appeared when the Portuguese soldiers had numerous mistresses and slave girls in the 16th century. The Indian Mestizo army of Portuguese had three classes: Mestizo, Castizo and Toepass.[4]

Saint Thomas could have talked Greek and Hebrew and not Tamil. Nasrani Mappillas of Kerala did not have a Tamil Bible until the Portuguese started printing bibles in Lingua Malabar Tamul in the 16th century.




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Acts of Thomas[edit]

The Acts of Thomas[5][6] connects Thomas, the apostle's Indian ministry with two kings, one in the north and the other in the south. According to one of the legends in the Acts, Thomas was at first reluctant to accept this mission, but the Lord appeared to him in a night vision and said, "Fear not, Thomas. Go away to India and proclaim the Word, for my grace shall be with you. "But the Apostle still demurred, so the Lord overruled the stubborn disciple by ordering circumstances so compelling that he was forced to accompany an Indian merchant, Abbanes, to his native place in northwest India, where he found himself in the service of the Indo-Parthian king, Gondophares. The apostle's ministry resulted in many conversions throughout the kingdom, including the king and his brother.[1]The Acts of Thomas clearly states Saint Thomas was martyred in the Persian Gulf at Calamina where Greco-Persian names were common.

Critical historians treated this legend as an idle tale and denied the historicity of King Gundaphorus until modern archaeology established him as an important figure in North India in the latter half of the 1st century. Many coins of his reign have turned up in Afghanistan, the Punjab, and the Indus Valley. Remains of some of his buildings, influenced by Greek architecture, indicate that he was a great builder. According to the legend, Thomas was a skilled carpenter and was bidden to build a palace for the king. However, the Apostle decided to teach the king a lesson by devoting the royal grant to acts of charity and thereby laying up treasure for the heavenly abode. Although little is known of the immediate growth of the church, Bar-Daisan (154–223) reports that in his time there were Christian tribes in North India which claimed to have been converted by Thomas and to have books and relics to prove it.[2] But at least by the year of the establishment of the Second Persian Empire (226), there were bishops of the Church of the East in northwest India, Afghanistan and Baluchistan, with laymen and clergy alike engaging in missionary activity.[3]

The Acts of Thomas identifies his second mission in India with a kingdom ruled by King Mahadeva, one of the rulers of a 1st-century dynasty in southern India. Aside from a small remnant of the Church of the East in Kurdistan, the only other church to maintain a distinctive identity is the Mar Thoma or "Church of Thomas" congregations along the Malabar Coast of Kerala State in southwest India. According to the most ancient tradition of this church, Thomas evangelized this area and then crossed to the Coromandel Coast of southeast India, where, after carrying out a second mission, he died in Mylapore near Madras. Throughout the period under review, the church in India was under the jurisdiction of Edessa, which was then under the Mesopotamian patriarchate at Seleucia-Ctesiphon and later at Baghdad and Mosul. Historian Vincent A. Smith says, "It must be admitted that a personal visit of the Apostle Thomas to South India was easily feasible in the traditional belief that he came by way of Socotra, where an ancient Christian settlement undoubtedly existed. I am now satisfied that the Christian church of South India is extremely ancient... ".[4]



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The Saint Thomas Christians have also been nicknamed such due to their reverence for Saint Thomas the Apostle, who is said to have brought Christianity to India. The name dates back to the period of Portuguese colonisation. They are also known, especially locally, as Nasrani or Nasrani Mappila. The former means Christian; it appears to have been derived from the Hebrew word Netzer or the Aramaic Nasraya from Isaiah 11:1. Mappila is an honorific applied to members of non-Indian faiths and descendants of immigrants from the middle east who had intermarried with the local population, including Muslims (Jonaka Mappila) and Jews (Yuda Mappila).[9][10] Some Syrian Christians of Travancore continue to attach this honorific title to their names.[11] The Government of India designates members of the community as Syrian Christians, a term originating with the Dutch colonial authority that distinguishes the Saint Thomas Christians, who used Syriac (within East Syriac Rite or West Syriac Rite) as their liturgical language, from newly evangelised Christians who followed the Roman Rite.[12] The terms Syrian or Syriac relate not to their ethnicity but to their historical, religious and liturgical connection to the Church of the East, or East Syriac Church.[9]




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The precise date of the introduction of Christianity into Edessa is not known. However, there is no doubt that even before AD 190 Christianity had spread vigorously within Edessa and its surroundings and that shortly after the royal house joined the church.[4]

According to a legend first reported by Eusebius in the fourth century, King Abgar V was converted by Thaddeus of Edessa,[5] who was one of the seventy-two disciples, sent to him by "Judas, who is also called Thomas".[6] However, various sources confirm that the Abgar who embraced the Christian faith was Abgar IX.[7][8][9] Under him Christianity became the official religion of the kingdom.[10]

He was succeeded by Aggai, then by Saint Mari, who was ordained about 200 by Serapion of Antioch. Thence came to us in the second century the famous Pe****ta, or Syriac translation of the Old Testament; also Tatian's Diatessaron, which was compiled about 172 and in common use until Rabbula, Bishop of Edessa (412–435), forbade its use. Among the illustrious disciples of the School of Edessa, Bardaisan (154–222), a schoolfellow of Abgar IX, deserves special mention for his role in creating Christian religious poetry, and whose teaching was continued by his son Harmonius and his disciples.

A Christian council was held at Edessa as early as 197.[11] In 201 the city was devastated by a great flood, and the Christian church was destroyed.[12] In 232 the relics of the apostle Thomas were brought from MylaporeIndia, on which occasion his Syriac Acts were written. Under Roman domination many martyrs suffered at Edessa: Sharbel and Barsamya, under Decius; Sts. Gûrja, Shâmôna, Habib, and others under Diocletian. In the meanwhile Christian priests from Edessa had evangelized Eastern Mesopotamia and Persia, and established the first Churches in the Sasanian Empire. Atillâtiâ, Bishop of Edessa, assisted at the First Council of Nicaea (325). The Peregrinatio Silviae (or Etheriae)[13] gives an account of the many sanctuaries at Edessa about 388.



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தோமோ இந்தியா கட்டுக் கதையும் தோமோ நடபடிகள் கதையும்


கல்வெட்டுக்களில் பயின்று வரும் வணிகக்குழுக்களில் ஒன்று அஞ்சு வண்ணம். தொடக்கத்தில் ஆய்வாளர்கள் ஐந்து வகையான விஶ்வகர்மியர் என்றே கருதினர். பிறகு கொங்கணக் கல்வெட்டுக்கள், கிழக்காசிய கல்வெட்டுக்கள் ஆகியவற்றை ஒப்பிட்டு பார்த்து ஹஞ்ஜமன என்னும் பெர்ஷியச் சொல்லின் தமிழ் வடிவம் என்று கண்டு பிடித்தனர். ஒன்பதாம் நூற்றாண்டு முதல் பதினான்காம் நூற்றாண்டு வரை பயின்று வரும் இந்தச் சொல் தொடக்கத்தில் யவன என்ற சொல்லைப்போல கிறிஸ்தவ இஸ்லாமிய யூதர்களைக் குறித்து பத்தாம் நூற்றாண்டு முதல் இஸ்லாமிய வணிகக்குழுவையே குறிக்கலாயிற்று. இவர்கள் கடற்கரை பகுதியில் மட்டுமே இருந்தமையும் உய்த்துணர கிடக்கிறது. மயிலை, நாகை முதலிய இடங்களில் தமிழகத்தில் இருந்தமை அறியப்படுகிறது.


  • Deva Priyaji
    Deva Priyaji ஆனால் மணிச் செட்டிகள் என உள்ள வணிக கூட்டம் சொல்லும்போது இது பௌத்தர்களையும் குறித்ததோ
  • Ananda Ganesh
    Ananda Ganesh ஹஞ்ஜமன எனும் பெர்ஷியப் பெயரின் பொருள் என்ன ஜி ?
    Sankara Narayanan G கடல்வணிகர்

-- Edited by admin on Friday 28th of June 2019 02:44:52 PM



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RE: தோமோ இந்தியா கட்டுக் கதையும் தோமோ நடபடிகள் கதையும்

ஊர்களின் வடமொழிப்பெயர்கள்.

பொதுவாக தமிழக ஊர்களின் பெயர்கள் முதலில் தமிழாக இருந்து பிறகே வடமொழிப் படுத்தப்பட்டதாகவே ஆய்வாளர்களின் எண்ணமாக இருந்து வருகிறது. ஆனால் தொன்னகரங்கள் சில முதலில் பழமையான குறிப்பாக வடமொழி நூல்களிலேயே பயின்று வந்துள்ளன. காஞ்சீபுரம் முதலில் மஹாபாஷ்யத்தில் பொயுமு இரண்டாம் நூற்றாண்டில் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளது. பிறகு வ்யாஸபாரதம் குறிப்பிடுகிறது. தமிழில் பொயு இரண்டில் பெரும்பாணாற்றுப்படையில்தான் காஞ்சி பிறகு கச்சி முதலிய பயன்பாடுகளைக் காண்கிறோம். மதுரை அர்த்தசாஸ்த்ரத்தில் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளது. சிறந்த பருத்தியாடை மாதுரம் - மதுரையில் உருவாவது என்று அர்த்தசாஸ்த்ரம் கூறுகிறது. இதைப்போல தாம்ரபர்ணி வால்மீகி ராமாயணத்திலும் இலங்கையைக் குறிப்பதாக அசோகன் கல்வெட்டுகளிலும் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளது. அதன்பிறகே தண்பொருந்தம் கிடைக்கிறது. திருமாலிருஞ்சோலை மஹாபாரதத்தில் பின்வருமாறு குறிப்பிடப்பெற்றுள்ளது

ருʼஷப⁴ம்ʼ பர்வதம்ʼ க³த்வா 
பாண்ட்³யேஷு ந்ருʼபபூஜிதம்। 
நாகப்ருʼஷ்டே² ச மோத³தே ॥ 3-83-21

பாண்டிய நாட்டில் அரசர்கள் தொழும் ரிஷப பர்வதத்தைக் கண்டால் வாஜபேயம் செய்த பலன் நேரும். ஸ்வர்க்கத்திலும் இனிதிருக்கலாம் என்கிறது. எல்லாப் பெயர்களும் இப்படி இல்லை. கும்பகோணம் என்ற பெயர் க்ருஷ்ணதேவராயர் காலந்தொட்டே கிடைக்கிறது. அதற்கு முன்பு குடமூக்கு தான். இதைப்போல சில ஊர்கள். ஆனால் தொன்னகரப் பெயர்குறிப்புக்கள் வடமொழியில் முதலில் ஏன் கிடைக்கின்றன என்பது ஆய்வுக்குரியது.



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தோமோ இந்தியா கட்டுக் கதையும் தோமோ நடபடிகள் கதையும்

Ananda Ganesh Sankara Narayanan G ஜி,

 Ananda Ganesh Sankara Narayanan G ஜி,
அரேபியப் பெயராக இல்லாமல் பெர்ஷியப் பெயரான ஹஞ்சமன பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டதன் காரணம் என்ன ?
அரேபியரும் பெர்ஷிய மொழியை முன்வைத்ததாலா ?

Selvaraj Nayakkavadiyar தஞ்சை மாவட்டம் அய்யம்பேட்டை சக்கராப்பள்ளி....வழுத்தூர்...ராஜகிரி...பண்டாரவாடை....போன்ற கிராமங்களில் இஸ்லாமிய சமூகத்தினரே மிகப் பெரும்பாண்மை...இங்கே அவர்களின் அஞ்சுமன் பள்ளி வாசல்....அஞ்சுமன் மெட்ரிக் பள்ளி இருக்கிறது..... அஞ்சுமன் இஸ்லாமிய வணிக குழுவையே குறிக்கின்றது.....

-- Edited by admin on Friday 28th of June 2019 02:40:41 PM

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