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Jesus - world would end in his life time

மேசியா கிறிஸ்து
மேசியா கிறிஸ்து என்பதன் நேரடிப் பொருள், மேலே எண்ணெய் ஊற்றப்பட்டவர். இஸ்ரேல் நாட்டில் மன்னர்யூத ஆலயத் தலைமைப் பாதிரி மற்றும் போர் தளபதி  ஆகியோர் பதவி ஏற்கும்போது தலையில் வாசனை எண்ணெய் தடவுதலை  (1Samuel 10:12Kings9:6;  Exodus29:5-7) வைத்து தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப் பட்டவர் எனும் சொல் ஆகும். 
மரணமடைந்த இயேசுவை- எனக் காட்ட மாற்கு பயன்படுத்தும் வசனம்

Mark1: The Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, beginswith what the prophet Isaiah said would happen. He wrote: “Listen! I will send my messenger ahead of you.     He will prepare the way for you.”  

 Malachi3: 1 The Lord All-Powerful says, “I am sending my messenger to prepare the way for me.

 ஞானஸ்நானகர் யோவான் தான் எலியா என ஏசு சொல்வதாகவும் உள்ளது.

  Matthew 11:13 Before John came, the Law of Moses and all the prophets told about the things that would happen. 14 And if you believe what they said, then John is Elijah. He is the one they said would come.

 Luke 7:25 So what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, John is a prophet. But I tell you, he is more than that. 27 This Scripture was written about him:

‘Listen! I will send my messenger ahead of you.
    He will prepare the way for you.’



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எலியா வருகைக்குப் பின் கர்த்தரின் நாளில் கர்த்தர் வருவார் என்பது தான் கதையின் நம்பிக்கை

Malachi 4:1  “That time of judgment is coming. It will be like a hot furnace. All the proud people will be punished. All the evil people will burn like straw. At that time they will be like a bush burning in the fire, and there will not be a branch or root left.” This is what the Lord All-Powerful said

“Look, I will send Elijah the prophet to you. He will come before that great and terrible time of judgment from the Lord. Elijah will help the parents become close to their children, and he will help the children become close to their parents. This must happen, or I will come and completely destroy your country.” “Look, I will send Elijah the prophet to you. He will come before that great and terrible time of judgment from the Lord. Elijah will help the parents become close to their children, and he will help the children become close to their parents. This must happen, or I will come and completely destroy your country.”

//ஆண்டவரின் நாள் – என்றால் என்ன என்ன அதில் நடக்கும்?

 Joel 1:15 Be sad because the Lord’s special day is near. At that time punishment will come like an attack from God All-Powerful. 

Joel 2:28 “After this,     I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your old men will have dreams,     and your young men will see visions.
29 In those days I will pour out my Spirit     even on servants, both men and women.
30 I will work wonders in the sky and on the earth.     There will be blood, fire, and thick smoke.
31 The sun will be changed into darkness,     and the moon will be as red as blood.
    Then the great and fearful day of the Lord will come!
32 And everyone who trusts in the Lord[e] will be saved.     There will be survivors on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem,     just as the Lord said. Yes, those left alive will be the ones     the Lord has called.

 இதே வார்த்தைகளை ஏசுவும் சொன்னதாகக் கதை

Mark 13:23 So be careful. Now I have warned you about all this before it happens. When Jesus, the Son of Man, Comes Again

24 “During the days following that time of trouble,

‘The sun will become dark,
    and the moon will not give light.
25 The stars will fall from the sky,
    and everything in the sky will be changed.’[d]

26 “Then people will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 He will send his angels all around the earth. They will gather his chosen people from every part of the earth.

30 I assure you that all these things will happen while some of the people of this time are still living. 31 The whole world, earth and sky, will be destroyed, but my words will last forever.

ஏசு சீடரை அனுப்பும்போது சொலவதாக கதையில் உள்ளது.

Matthew 10:1 Jesus called his twelve followers together.

Jesus sent the twelve men out with these instructions: “Don’t go to the non-Jewish people. And don’t go into any town where the Samaritans live. But go to the people of Israel. They are like sheep that are lost.When you go, tell them this: ‘God’s kingdom is now very near.

23  When you are treated badly in one city, go to another city. I promise you that you will not finish going to all the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes again.



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யோவானை ஏலியா எனச் சொன்ன ஏசு, பழைய ஏற்பாட்டில் சட்டங்களும், தீர்க்கரகளும் சொன்னவை எல்லாம் யோவானோடு முடிந்தது என்கிறார்.

Matthew 11: 11 “The truth is that John the Baptizer is greater than anyone who has ever come into this world. But even the least important person in God’s kingdom is greater than John. 12 Since the time John the Baptizer came until now, God’s kingdom has been going forward strongly.[b] And people have been trying to take control of it by force. 13 Before John came, the Law of Moses and all the prophets told about the things that would happen. 14 And if you believe what they said, then John is Elijah.[c] He is the one they said would come. 

Luke 16: 16 “Before John the Baptizer came, people were taught the Law of Moses and the writings of the prophets. But since the time of John, the Good News about God’s kingdom is being told. And everyone is trying hard to get into it.. 

 இது போலே பலப்பல வசனங்கள் உள்ளன. இஸ்ரேலின் யூத மதத்தில் ஒரு பிரிவினர் எபிரேய பைபிளில் அதீதமாக கற்பனை செய்து உலகம் அழியப் போகிறது, அதற்கு முன் கடைசி தலைமுறையில் மேசியா வருவார் என நம்பினர்.


 எலியா வந்த பின்னர் கர்த்தரின் நாளில் தான் வருகை, அது உலகம் அழிவிற்கு தான். இதுவே யூத பழைய ஏற்பாட்டுக் கதியின் நம்பிக்கை ஊகங்கள்.   எனவே தீர்ப்பு நாளில் வருபவர் மேசியா- இறுதி தூதர்.


ஆனால் ஏசுவின் காலத்தில் மோசேயின் நாற்காலியில் யூதத் தலைமை பாதிரியாக இருந்தவர்கள் சதுசேயர்கள். அவர்கள் நம்பியது.

Acts 23 :8 The Sadducees believe that after people die, they will not live again as an angel or as a spirit. But the Pharisees believe in both.

தேவனின் பெயரை வீணில் உச்சரிக்கக் கூடாது, அம்மதத்தில் கடவுள் மகனாக அவதரித்தல் எல்லாம் வெற்று கட்டுக் கதைகள்.


இயேசுவை கடவுள் என்கின்றனர்- அவர் சொன்னதாக

John 6 : 48 I am the bread that gives life. 49 Your ancestors ate the manna God gave them in the desert, but they died on earth. 50 Here is the bread that comes down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will never die. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will not die on earth and live forever. This bread is my body. I will give my body so that the people in the world can have life.”. 

 2000 வருடங்களாக மன்னாவை சாப்பிட்டவரைப் போல, ஏசு- பவுல், பேதுரு என அனைவருமே இறந்தனர். மேலும் ஏசு 12 சீடர் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தார், அவரின் புது உல்கம யூதருக்கு மட்டுமே, 12 கோத்திரத்தாருக்கு 12 பேர் ஆனால் அதில் ஒருவன் ஏசு கையால் அப்பம் பெற சாத்தான் நுழைந்ததாம்.


Matthew 19:28 28 Jesus said to them, “When the time of the new world comes, the Son of Man will sit on his great and glorious throne. And I can promise that you who followed me will sit on twelve thrones, and you will judge the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 Everyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children, or farms to follow me will get much more than they left. And they will have eternal life. 30 Many people who are first now will be last in the future. And many who are last now will be first in the future. John 13:26Jesus answered him, “I will dip this bread into the dish. The man I give it to is the one.” So Jesus took a piece of bread, dipped it, and gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. 27 When Judas took the bread, Satan entered him. Jesus said to Judas, “What you will do—do it quickly!” 28 No one at the table understood why Jesus said this to Judas.. 

யூத மதம் என்பது வெறும் அரசியல் மதமே, அதில்  வரவேண்டிய கிறிஸ்து -இரண்டாவது வருகைஎல்லாமே வெறும் மூட நம்பிக்கைகளே


John 21:20 Peter turned and saw the follower Jesus loved very much walking behind them. (This was the follower who had leaned against Jesus at the supper and said, “Lord, who is it that will hand you over?”) 21 When Peter saw him behind them, he asked Jesus, “Lord, what about him?”

22 Jesus answered, “Maybe I want him to live until I come. That should not matter to you. You follow me!”

23 So a story spread among the followers of Jesus. They were saying that this follower would not die. But Jesus did not say he would not die. He only said, “Maybe I want him to live until I come. That should not matter to you.”


இரண்டாவது வருகை யோவான் உயிரோடு இருக்கும் முன்பே

முதல் நூற்றாண்டில் ஏமாற்றப் பட்டவருக்கு பவுல் கடிதம் -உலகம் நம்மோடு அழியும், நாமெல்லாம் மாற்றப்படுவோம்

 1 Corinthians 15:  51 But listen, I tell you this secret: We will not all die, but we will all be changed. 52 It will only take the time of a second. We will be changed as quickly as an eye blinks. This will happen when the last trumpet blows. The trumpet will blow and those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we will all be changed. 53 This body that ruins must clothe itself with something that will never ruin. And this body that dies must clothe itself with something that will never die. 




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1 Thessalonians 1:10 And you began waiting for God’s Son to come from heaven—the Son God raised from death. He is Jesus, who saves us from God’s angry judgment that is coming.

1 Thessalonians 4:13 Brothers and sisters, we want you to know about those who have died. We don’t want you to be sad like other people—those who have no hope.14 We believe that Jesus died, but we also believe that he rose again. So we believe that God will raise to life through Jesus any who have died and bring them together with him when he comes. 15 What we tell you now is the Lord’s own message. Those of us who are still living when the Lord comes again will join him, but not before those who have already died.  17 After that we who are still alive at that time will be gathered up with those who have died. We will be taken up in the clouds and meet the Lord in the air. And we will be with the Lord forever. 

 1 Corinthians 15: 51 But listen, I tell you this secret: We will not all die, but we will all be changed. 52 It will only take the time of a second. We will be changed as quickly as an eye blinks. This will happen when the last trumpet blows. The trumpet will blow and those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we will all be changed. 53 This body that ruins must clothe itself with something that will never ruin. And this body that dies must clothe itself with something that will never die.


2 Corinthians 1: 14 just as you already understand many things about us. I hope you will understand that you can be proud of us, just as we will be proud of you on the day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.

Galatians 1: 4 Jesus gave himself for our sins to free us from this evil age we live in. This is what God our Father wanted. The glory belongs to God forever and ever. 

Philippians 1: I thank God for the help you gave me while I told people the Good News. You helped from the first day you believed until now. I am sure that the good work God began in you will continue until he completes it on the day when Jesus Christ comes again.

Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,                                                                             18 We have sufferings now, but these are nothing compared to the great glory that will be given to us. 19 Everything that God made is waiting with excitement for the time when he will show the world who his children are. The whole world wants very much for that to happen.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.

Galatians 4:4when the right time came, God sent his Son, who was born from a woman and lived under the law.

Romans 1:  3-4 The Good News is about God’s Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. As a human, he was born from the family of David(Greek Spherma Greek ), but through the Holy Spirit he was shown to be God’s powerful Son when he was raised from death.




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1 Peter 1:5 God’s power protects you through your faith, and it keeps you safe until your salvation comes. That salvation is ready to be given to you at the end of time.

1 Peter 1:20 Christ was chosen before the world was made, but he was shown to the world in these last times for you. 


1 Peter 4:The time is near when all things will end. So keep your minds clear, and control yourselves. This will help you in your prayers.    1It is time for judging to begin. That judging will begin with God’s family. If it begins with us, then what will happen to those who don’t accept the Good News of God?


1 John 218 My dear children, the end is near! You have heard that the enemy of Christ is coming. And now many enemies of Christ are already here. So we know that the end is near. 




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Jude1: 17 Dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ said would happen. 18 They told you, “In the last times there will be people who laugh at God and do only what they want to do—things that are against God.” 19 These are the people who divide you. They are not spiritual, because they don’t have the Spirit.

Hebrews 9:25 The high priest enters the Most Holy Place once every year. He takes with him blood to offer. But he does not offer his own blood like Christ did. Christ went into heaven, but not to offer himself many times like the high priest offers blood again and again. 26 If Christ had offered himself many times, he would have needed to suffer many times since the time the world was made. But he came to offer himself only once. And that once is enough for all time. He came at a time when the world is nearing an end. He came to take away all sin by offering himself as a sacrifice.

27 Everyone must die once. Then they are judged. 28 So Christ was offered as a sacrifice one time to take away the sins of many people. And he will come a second time, but not to offer himself for sin. He will come the second time to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

Hebrews 7:1Melchizedek was the king of Salem and a priest for God the Most High. He met Abraham when Abraham was coming back after defeating the kings. That day Melchizedek blessed him. Then Abraham gave him a tenth of everything he had.

Melchizedek was not even from the tribe of Levi, but Abraham gave him a tenth of what he had. And Melchizedek blessed Abraham—the one who had God’s promises. 

15 And these things become even clearer when we see that another priest has come who is like Melchizedek. 16 He was made a priest, but not because he met the requirement of being born into the right family. He became a priest by the power of a life that will never end. 17 This is what the Scriptures say about him: “You are a priest forever—the kind of priest Melchizedek was.”[b]

 19 The Law of Moses could not make anything perfect. But now a better hope has been given to us. And with that hope we can come near to God.

26 So Jesus is the kind of high priest we need. He is holy. 

-- Edited by admin on Sunday 28th of July 2019 12:04:06 PM



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 Mark 9:1Then Jesus said, “Believe me when I say that some of you people standing here will see God’s kingdom come with power before you die.

Mark 13: 29 In the same way, when you see all these things happening, you will know that the time is very near, already present. 30 I assure you that all these things will happen while some of the people of this time are still living. 31 The whole world, earth and sky, will be destroyed, but my words will last forever.

24 “During the days following that time of trouble,‘The sun will become dark,    and the moon will not give light.25 The stars will fall from the sky,    and everything in the sky will be changed.’26 “Then people will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 He will send his angels all around the earth. They will gather his chosen people from every part of the earth.


Mark 14:62 62 Jesus answered, “Yes, I am the Son of God. And in the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right side of God All-Powerful. And you will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven.”

Matthew 10 :1Jesus called his twelve followers together. 5 Jesus sent the twelve men out with these instructions: “Don’t go to the non-Jewish people. And don’t go into any town where the Samaritans live. 6 But go only to the people of Israel. They are like sheep that are lost. 7 When you go, tell them this: ‘God’s kingdom is now very near. 

23 When you are treated badly in one city, go to another city. I promise you that you will not finish going to all the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes again.

34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace. I came to bring the Sword. 35 I have come to make this happen: ‘A son will turn against his father.     A daughter will turn against her mother. A daughter-in-law will turn against her mother-in-law. 36     Even members of your own family will be your enemies.’

Matthew 26:27 Then he took a cup of wine, thanked God for it, and gave it to them. He said, “Each one of you drink some of it. 28 This wine is my blood, which will be poured out to forgive the sins of many and begin the new agreement from God to his people. 29 I want you to know, I will not drink this wine again until that day when we are together in my Father’s kingdom and the wine is new. Then I will drink it again with you.”

Matthew 1111 “The truth is that John the Baptizer is greater than anyone who has ever come into this world. But even the least important person in God’s kingdom is greater than John. 12 Since the time John the Baptizer came until now, God’s kingdom has been entered violently. And people have been trying to take control of it by force. 13 Before John came, the Law of Moses and all the prophets told about the things that would happen. 14 And if you believe what they said, then John is Elijah. He is the one they said would come. 

8 Why do I say people are like that? Because John came, not eating like other people or drinking wine, and people say, ‘He has a demon inside him.’ 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and people say, ‘Look at him! He eats too much and drinks too much wine. He’s a friend of tax collectors and other sinners.’ But wisdom is shown to be right by what it does.”


Luke 16:16 “Before John the Baptizer came, people were taught the Law of Moses and the writings of the prophets. But since the time of John, the Good News about God’s kingdom is being told. And everyone is trying hard to get into it. 17 But even the smallest part of a letter in the law cannot be changed. It would be easier for heaven and earth to pass away.


Luke 12:49 Jesus continued speaking: “I came to bring fire to the world. I wish it were already burning! 50 There is a kind of baptism that I must suffer through. I feel very troubled until it is finished. 51 Do you think I came to give peace to the world? No, I came to divide the world! 52 From now on, a family of five will be divided, three against two, and two against three.

John 21:20 Peter turned and saw the follower Jesus loved very much walking behind them. (This was the follower who had leaned against Jesus at the supper and said, “Lord, who is it that will hand you over?”) 21 When Peter saw him behind them, he asked Jesus, “Lord, what about him?” 22 Jesus answered, “Maybe I want him to live until I come. That should not matter to you. You follow me!” 23 So a story spread among the followers of Jesus. They were saying that this follower would not die. But Jesus did not say he would not die. He only said, “Maybe I want him to live until I come. That should not matter to you.” 24 That follower is the one who is telling these things. He is the one who has now written them all down. 

Matthew 23:22 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees have the authority to tell you what the Law of Moses says.3 So you should obey them. Do everything they tell you to do.

Acts 4:1While Peter and John were speaking to the people, some Jewish leaders came up to them. There were some priests, the captain of the soldiers that guarded the Temple, and some Sadducees. They were upset because of what Peter and John were teaching the people.

The next day the Jewish rulers, the older Jewish leaders, and the teachers of the law met in Jerusalem. Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, and Alexander were there.


Acts 23:Paul knew that some of the men in the council meeting were Sadducees and some were Pharisees. So he shouted, “My brothers, I am a Pharisee and my father was a Pharisee! I am on trial here because I believe that people will rise from death.” When Paul said this, a big argument started between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The group was divided. (The Sadducees believe that after people die, they will not live again as an angel or as a spirit. But the Pharisees believe in both.) All these Jews began shouting louder and louder. Some of the teachers of the law, who were Pharisees, stood up and argued, “We find nothing wrong with this man. Maybe an angel or a spirit really did speak to him.”


வரலாற்றுபடி 65 – 70 போருக்குமுன் சதுசேயர்கள் தான் யூதப் பாதிரிகளாக இருந்தனர், அதாவது யூத மோசே நாற்காலியில் அதிகாரத்தோடே அமர்ந்தவர்கள்- தேவதூதநிறுதி நாள்- உயிர்த்தெழுதல் எதுவும் இல்லை என்றனர். எனேனில் எபிரேய மூலத்தில் எங்குமே இவை நேரடியாக கிடையாது. இயேசுவை கடவுள் என்கின்றனர்- அவர் சொன்னதாக

யோவான்6: 8 வாழ்வுதரும் உணவு நானே.49 உங்கள் முன்னோர் பாலைநிலத்தில் மன்னாவை உண்டபோதிலும் இறந்தனர்.50 உண்பவரை இறவாமல் இருக்கச் செய்யும் உணவு விண்ணகத்திலிருந்து இறங்கிவந்த இந்த உணவே. 58 விண்ணகத்திலிருந்து இறங்கி வந்த உணவு இதுவே; இது நம் முன்னோர் உண்ட உணவு போன்றது அல்ல. அதை உண்டவர்கள் இறந்து போனார்கள். இவ்வுணவை உண்போர் என்றும் வாழ்வர். ‘ 

-- Edited by admin on Sunday 28th of July 2019 03:37:05 PM

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